
Tropical Storm Eta is making landfall this morning along the south-central Coast of Cuba with winds of 65 mph. The last named storm to make landfall in Cuba during November was Paloma in 2008. Eta is around 300 miles south of Miami, Florida, and is moving northeast at 12 mph. Some of the outer bands of Eta containing very heavy rainfall are already reaching southern Florida and will continue to do so today. On the forecast track, Eta will continue to track across Cuba today and move into the Florida straits later this morning. Eta will then turn and move near the Florida Keys later tonight and emerge in the southern Gulf of Mexico by late Monday and Tuesday. Rainfall continues to be the greatest risk with Eta, however, with locally over 2 feet of rain possible in parts of Cuba. Loca...

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There’s a renaissance underway in structural battery research.

235 with 110 posters participating Elon Musk made a lot of promises during Teslas Battery Day last September. Soon, he said, the company would have a car that runs on batteries with pure silicon anodes to boost their performance and reduced cobalt in the cathodes to lower their price. Its battery pack will be integrated into the chassis so that it provides mechanical support in addition to energy, a design that Musk claimed will reduce the cars weight by 10 percent and improve its mileage by even more. He hailed Teslas structural battery as a revolution in engineeringbut for some battery researchers, Musks future looked a lot like the past. Hes essentially doing something that we did 10 years ago, says Emile Greenhalgh, a materials scientist at Imperial College London and the engineering...

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Minister says Covid-19 tests for air travel should be in place by December 1st

From Monday, the State is part of the EU traffic-light system for international travel which refers to regions rather than individual countries. Under the system, those arriving from green regions can enter the State without restricting their movements or undergoing testing. Greenland is currently the only green country on the list. Under the EU traffic light system, passengers arriving from an orange region who have taken the standard PCR Covid-19 test up to three days before travel and have a negative result do not need to restrict their movements upon arrival in their destination. Norway, Finland, parts of Greece and the Azores are currently classified as orange regions. Passengers who arrive from red regions, which accounts for most of Europe at present, must restrict their movemen...

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The message of Joe Biden’s victory was unmistakable — voters declared they were fed up with Donald Trump himself. The President was not swept from office in an anti-Republican rout — his party did exceptionally well in other races across the US.

Sign up to get our new weekly column as a newsletter. We're looking back at the strongest, smartest opinion takes of the week from CNN and other outlets. (CNN)America delivered its verdict on Donald Trump last week, and it was devastating for him. He became one of the select few incumbent Presidents to lose his bid for a second four years in office, the first since President George H.W. Bush was defeated by Bill Clinton in 1992. But Trump was not swept from office in an anti-Republican rout -- his party did exceptionally well in other races across the United States. His defeat was a clear statement that the nation, speaking through voters in states controlling a majority of electoral college votes, finally had enough of Trump himself. "Donald Trump defeated Donald Trump," wrote David ...

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On November 8, 2016, Prime Minister Modi announced the decision to ban all currency notes of higher denomination of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 from midnight. The move came in for criticism from several quarters, and the opposition claimed it had harmed the economy.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday hailed his government’s demonetisation move four years ago, claiming that it gave a boost to transparency. In a tweet on Sunday, Modi said that the move helped reduce black money, increase tax compliance and formalisation and gave a boost to transparency and that the outcomes have been beneficial for the country’s progress. In graphics accompanying the tweet, the Prime Minister pointed out that India had turned into a lesser cash-based economy with better tax compliance. He said self-assessment tax of more than Rs 13,000 crore was paid by targeted non-filers and 3.04 lakh persons who deposited cash of Rs 10 lakh or more but had not filed their income tax returns were identified. He also claimed that the demonetisation helped improve India’s tax/GDP r...

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On Saturday, Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani said flatly: ‘He’s not going to concede.” And Trump’s campaign touted plans to challenge the election results in the courts.

Scott Farris, author of "Almost President: The Men Who Lost the Race but Changed the Nation," describes the tradition of offering a concession speech. USA TODAY WASHINGTON Within an hour of Democrat Joe Biden being declared president-elect, President Donald Trump's campaign signaled he would refuse to concede. "The simple fact is this election is far from over," Trump said in a statement Saturday. If Trump refuses to deliver a public concession speech or make a congratulatory call to Biden, it would break with 124 years of American history. Experts say it would also undermine the election results and exacerbate the nation's political tensions, already laid bare by a bitter campaign and the extended, contested vote count. It will be truly harmful, said William Howell, chair of the poli...

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Trump is the subject of 15 inquiries, criminal and civil, by nine federal, state and district agencies into his business and personal finances – these matters are not going away for the soon-to-be former president

In his testimony to Congress, following his investigation, Robert Mueller was asked by the Republican representative Ken Buck: Could you charge the president with a crime after he left the office? Mueller replied: Yes. Buck continued: You believe that he committed you could charge the president of the United States with obstruction of justice after he left office? Again, the response was: Yes. The special counsels report into whether Donald Trump was the Muscovian candidate for the White House concluded that Trump may have committed obstruction of justice on at least 10 occasions. But Mueller had decided that a 1973 Justice Department decision that a sitting president cannot be indicted meant that charging Trump with federal crime would be unconstitutional. The 47-year-old ruling on pres...

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Microsoft’s Xbox Series X and Series S consoles launch on November 10th. Whether you’re buying one for launch day, or soon after, here are the accessories you’ll need, including controllers and storage options.

Stock up, whether youre getting your console on or after launch day If you buy something from a Verge link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics statement. The Xbox Series X and Series S consoles launch on Tuesday, November 10th. Whether you were able to secure one in time for launch day, or if you plan to get one soon, you might want some fresh accessories to snag with your big purchase. First up, controllers. You probably already know that Microsofts Xbox One wireless controller is also compatible with the new Series X / S consoles, which is great. However, the older controller model lacks a few features that might make the newer one a worthy upgrade for you. For instance, the revised controller has a dedicated share button for saving clips and screenshots and sharing them ...

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A marriage of a 1980s LED alarm clock and a 2020s smart speaker

Lenovos Smart Clock Essential is a slightly smarter bedside clock Functional simplicity If you buy something from a Verge link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics statement. Lenovos Smart Clock Essential There is no shortage of devices that you can stick on your bedside table to use as a voice-controlled alarm clock. You can, of course, just use your phone, but you can also put a small smart speaker, such as Amazons Echo Dot, Googles Nest Mini, or Apples new HomePod mini there and bark commands at it to set an alarm, tell you the weather, or snooze for ten minutes. If you want something more fully featured, devices like the Echo Show 5, Lenovo Smart Clock, or Googles Nest Hub have full-color touchscreen displays that can play video, show camera feeds, or be used as a digit...

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